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Detailed Instructions


Welcome to the online enrollment page for the Evergreen State Fair!  The online enrollment is available through

The online system is the preferred method for registration as an exhibitor.  You will need to create an account.  If you created an account last year, a new one will be required as the system is cleared each year.  You can enroll individually or as a family.  Once enrolled, you enter exhibit codes based upon age and exhibit type.

Registration for the events requires specific codes that are found in the Evergreen State Fair Handbook.  Having the Handbook printed is recommended as you will be referencing the document frequently during the registration process.  The handbook is available in the Evergreen State Fair Handbook.  The following section will describe the codes used to classify the events and the rules for interpreting the code values.


NOTE:  The Technology Program is a part of Department P: Mechanical Science & Technology Department and includes Division A: General, Division C: Aerospace Education and Division D: Technology.  Pay particular attention to the use of the appropriate codes when registering online for this year's events.  All of the codes have changed from previous years!


For each code noted below, the ? is replaced by the following code:

9P1: Cloverbud

2P3: Junior

2P4: Intermediate

2P5: Senior

2P6: Club


Note: All Fair Handbooks for all departments can be found here.

Exhibit and Event Codes

Division A: General


Division B: Aerospace Education
?A10 Airplane Flight Demonstration (See Division A) 
?B10-18 Shop Exhibits (See Division A) 
?B19 Knowledge Contest (See Division A) 
?C14 Quiz Bowl (Aerospace/Aviation) 
?D11 Airplane/Rocket entry 
?M11 Troubleshooting (Aerospace/Aviation) 
?P11 Judging Contest (Aerospace/Aviation) 
?Q10 Stewardship/Public Demonstrations Y Informational Exhibit (Poster) 


Division D: Technology
?K10 - Technology On the Spot
?M10 - Computer Troubleshooting
?M11 - Robotics Troubleshooting
?M12 - Electronics Troubleshooting
?N10 - Computers Technical Skills Demo
?N11 - Robotics Technical Skills Demo
?N12 - Electronics Technical Skills Demo
?P10 - Judging Contest - Computer
?P11 - Judging Contest - Robotics
?P12 - Judging Contest - Electronics


Additionally, these contests are located under “Department P (4-H mechanical Science)” section, and occur during the Fair
?C11 - Quiz Bowl Technology
?B20 - GPS Mapping Orienteering Contest


All participants must sign up for the following two entries if planning on participating at Fair
2PY0? (9PY01 for Cloverbuds) - Mechanical Science Computers informational Posters, and
2P?Q10 (9P1Q10 for Cloverbuds) - Stewardship
Additionally, there are other exhibit codes for entries for projects worked on during the year.
Project submitted must be ones that were worked on during the year


Please register in the online tool for everything that you think you might participate in. It is far easier to edit you off the list than to add you at Fair time. Registration in the tool simply secures your spot for participation. It does not commit you to participating. Your attention to this is greatly appreciated!


Please watch your email for notifications. The 4-H Online tool will be used to distribute these communications. Please ensure that your contact information is up to date in 4-H Online.


The following instructions are intended to get you registered in the Fair registration system. While every effort has been made to ensure these are accurate, please refer to the Fair resources if you have questions or issues with the registration system. You will be doing a fair amount of data entry if there are multiple projects to register for. A helpful trick is to summarize the data in a list or spreadsheet before you start this set of steps. In the event something happens with the system, the network or just bad luck, you will have the offline list to go back to. The system is an ordering system. If you are familiar with online ordering, the navigation and workflow will feel familiar to you.

  1. Navigate to:  Every year is a new login. If you created one last year, you must create a new one for this year.

  2. At the sign-in page, in the "I am a" dropdown, choose "Exhibitor".

  3. Choose the "I am a new exhibitor or have yet to register this year " radio button” and click "Continue".

  4. You have the option of registering as a group or as an individual.  If you are registering multiple youth, select "Quick Group".

  5. Provide the asterisked information requested. This will be the contact information that will be used to communicate with you and will be the address premiums are mailed to. Please ensure that you submit accurate information.

    1. "Pay Premiums to" should be you the member.

    2. "Club" is not mandatory, but please provide "Byte By Byte", "Esprit de Corps" or appropriate club name. This should be your primary club. This helps us in the event we need to coordinate with other clubs.

    3. You do not need the 4-H member number. Please leave blank.

    4. Click "Continue".

  6. Verify information and click "Continue".

  7. Next you should see the "Entries" page, or it should be at the point waiting for entries. At this point you will entering the different project, activity, poster and stewardship events. Below is an example of how to add an entry for the Informational Poster.

    1. In the Department field, choose "P. 4-H Mechanical Science" for Aerospace project entries or "P. 4-H Mechanical Science – Technology” for Technology entries.

    2. A "Division" drop down will appear. Choose the Division you wish to enter.

    3. In this example "Mechanical Science Computers Informational Posters" should be selected.

    4. You now have three more fields, “Class”, “Subclass” and “Description”. For Class, Choose the appropriate age for the entry. There shouldn't be any subclass entries, so you can leave that field blank.

    5. Feel free to add a description if you want. In our example, "WiFi" would describe a poster entry on how Wifi works.

    6. Click on "Add Entry to Cart".

  8. Repeat the entry section for as many categories as you wish to (or think you might) participate in. At this point, you will be doing a lot of data entry.  Note:  You will likely be using values from different Divisions of the Department.  If you don't find the field entry in the dropdown you are looking for, back up a step and search another Division.

  9. Once you've added all entries, click "Continue".

  10. Validate your entries, and click "Check Out".

  11. Type "YES" in the rules and regulations section. (Upper or lower case works).

  12. Click Submit.

You will get a confirmation and probably an email if you provided one.

Once you have created your account, you can log in later at any time, and add more entries if you wish. It's not a one-time thing. It must be done before the tool closes. One point of clarity here. Multiple submits will create multiple orders in the system and is ok.

All entries for 4-H are free, so ignore the billing section. 


Specific events are noted in the Fair Handbook. Please refer to that document for additional information. Note, the first 10 or 11 pages in the links are general rules that are good to review, but specific entry information is located after that. You will find the Aerospace Education under Division B and computer/technology entry list under Division D for Technology.

6705 Puget Park Dr, Snohomish, WA 98296

©2024 by Snohomish County 4-H Technology. Proudly created with

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