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Welcome back to in person meetings of 4-H!


WSU Extension has updated guidance regarding in-person meetings for 4-H youth. The following is the new guidance effective July 8, 2021.

With Washington Ready and new guidance for youth development programs, we have updated our COVID-19 protocols for Snohomish County 4-H. These protocols supersede any information you may have seen from other counties or the state 4-H news. In acknowledgement that a large population of our 4-H members are younger than 12 and therefore not yet eligible for the vaccine, our county is following the state mandates, and, where it serves to promote belonging and inclusion, our protocols may involve more face covering than activities that are not youth-focused. We appreciate everyone’s continued patience as we wait for the day masks are no longer required for anyone. That day is not quite here yet, but hopefully soon.

Here are the key changes:

  • Group size limits are no longer in effect. Cohorts are still encouraged whenever unvaccinated individuals are present.

  • Written proposals and orientation for in-person activities are no longer required.

  • Face coverings:

    • INDOORS: Face coverings are required for everyone whenever unvaccinated individuals are present. (They are not required if everyone is vaccinated.) This is consistent with the state DOH guidance for youth-focused settings. Remember that youth under 12 are not yet eligible to be vaccinated.

    • Unvaccinated individuals undertaking normal breathing (i.e. not singing or exercising) should distance at least three feet while indoors and masked.

    • OUTDOORS: If six feet of distance cannot be maintained and unvaccinated individuals are present, everyone, regardless of vaccination status, is encouraged to wear a face covering in order to foster an inclusive environment and sense of belonging, and to model the behavior. Unvaccinated individuals in crowded outdoor settings are very strongly encouraged to wear a face covering.

    • Anyone who chooses to wear a face covering, even when it is not required, should be supported in doing so.

    • Check out the handy WA Ready guide, “When do you need your mask?” for additional clarification.

  • Health screening attestations no longer need to be collected, but attendance must be recorded and signage must be posted requiring all attendees to be free of COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, and exposure.

  • Outdoor gatherings are still preferred over indoor gatherings, whenever feasible. Indoor gathering spaces should have as much ventilation as possible.

  • Food may be served. Unvaccinated participants must maintain 6-ft distancing while eating. Serve food on individual plates, rather than family- or buffet-style.

  • High touch surfaces should still be sanitized frequently.

  • Hand washing and sanitizing should still be done frequently.

  • Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms or diagnosis, or who has been exposed to COVID-19 while not fully vaccinated, must stay home.

If you have any questions or need clarification, we’re happy to talk with you any time. We also continue to offer virtual office hours on Mondays and Fridays, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Join us with this link: Virtual Office Hours



6705 Puget Park Dr, Snohomish, WA 98296

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