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Growing Leaders through Hands-On Learning
Robotics | Computer Programming | Aerospace & Aviation | and more
Byte by Byte 4-H members don't just learn about technology--they engage with it through hands-on projects in areas like computer science, technology, and civic engagement. Adult mentors provide a positive environment where kids grow confidence, independence, resilience, and compassion. 4-H youth members learn new skills and take on new challenges through club programming and partnerships with programs like FIRST Robotics and Girls Who Code.
In Washington State, 4‑H programs are delivered through the Washington State University extension service. 4-H is open to every youth, ages 5-19, without discrimination.

What Byte by Byte Members Do
Many members discover us through FIRST FLL and FRC teams, but we're more than just a robotics team!
Byte by Byte runs a year-round program that includes additional contests and activities in all project areas, culminating in exhibitions and contests at the Evergreen State Fair each August. Find out about our three general types of programming.
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