On behalf of Snohomish County 4-H, I would like to take a moment of your time and welcome you to the 2020-2021 4-H Year and all of the exciting activities that are planned for the coming year. From FIRST Robotics to electronics, computer hardware to 3D printing, Snohomish County 4-H Technology has something for everyone.
As the first week of 4-H is always a busy one, I want to make you aware of some important reminders and key dates coming.
4-H Registration
Everyone in 4-H is a member the 4-H community and must be registered to participate. Registration is online only and can be found at http://wa.4honline.com/. The registration fee for 4-H for this year is $30, which must be paid online at the time of registration. When you register, be mindful of the club you are joining as each club has slightly different club requirements. For the Technology Program, Byte by Byte, Esprit de Corps, and New Horizons are all participating clubs in the Snohomish County 4-H Technology Program.
In order to help with planning, please ensure you select the right project in your registration. Robotics, Aviation, and Computers are covered in the Technology Program. The following signup genius will get us started quickly with the right distribution lists
Club Information
The Club is a central part of the 4-H experience and every member participates in a club.
Byte by Byte 4-H Club maintains a website and calendar for your convenience. Visit the website at https://snoco4htech.wixsite.com/bytebybyte4h. You can subscribe to the Byte by Byte Google calendar directly, so you can see calendar event details on your own personal calendar. Get started by going to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/1?cid=Ynl0ZWJ5Ynl0ZS40aEBnbWFpbC5jb20
Esprit de Corps 4-H Club maintains a website and calendar as well. Visit the website http://ed4h.org and request access to the internal site, including a calendar, by contacting Ruth Avila at deavilabel@gmail.com. The Esprit de Corp business meeting is on the first Tuesday of the month.
A note on meetings
Snohomish County 4-H is starting the 4-H year virtually. Despite the challenges with a virtual only format, the program is going to make the most out of building relationships and using the time we have to make as much progress as possible. Extensive guidance is available from the Snohomish County 4-H Extension website here: https://extension.wsu.edu/snohomish/4h/4-h-stay-home-stay-healthy-resources/
Many of our activities are conducted in partnership with the Northwest District of FIRST Robotics. They, like 4-H, are deeply focused on providing a safe experience for our youth and are planning the coming year accordingly. Information regarding the actions taken in FIRST are available here: https://firstwa.org/news/
Coming events
Many events are organized out of the Snohomish County 4-H Technology Program. A full listing of our scheduled activities is available from our Website. You can find our calendar here with the ability to bring events to your calendar.
National Youth Science Day
Each year 4-H hosts National Youth Science Day focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. This year we are hosting the event virtually through ZOOM! Come explore Mars on October 24 at 4:00 PM and October 31 at 10:00 AM. Kits are available by contacting WSU Extension at snoco.4h@wsu.edu. More information is available here: https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2053/2020/10/MARS-Base-Camp-FINAL.pdf
Robotics Project
Snohomish County 4-H sponsors robotics experiences through FIRST Robotics. FIRST is a world recognized organization focused on advancing STEM skills in our youth.
FLL Explore News:
FIRST® LEGO® League Explore is an exciting opportunity for budding young scientists grades 2-4. This program encompasses core concepts from the other FIRST® programs to inspire, excite, and introduce youths to the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and math. We will be hosting one FLL Explore team this year. Our team is Team #8999. We are developing the team right now and if you are interested, please sign up here.
FLL News:
FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge is a learning opportunity designed for youths grades 4-8 to tackle real-world challenges. FLL Challenge is the largest program within FIRST® Washington, with nearly 700 teams each year. Students get to brainstorm, solve problems, build, and compete using their creations. We are hosting one team this year and forming the group right now. Our team is Team #22311 FLL 4-H Botsmiths and you can indicate your interest by signing up here.
FTC News:
It’s way more than building robots. FIRST Tech Challenge teams (up to 15 team members, grades 7-12) are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format.
Guided by adult coaches and mentors, students develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles, while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and working as a team. We are hosting one team this year, Team #18693 4-H Botsmiths and you can tell you are interested here.
Aviation Project
The aviation project is getting started this year. If you're considering aviation, contact Vickie at Vickie4H@wrenware.com to get more details about this cool project! Project members will be working on electric airplanes and more.
Hope to see you soon!
Kenny Swope
Snohomish County 4-H Technology